The origin of the family name "Padberg" and all it's variations is deduced from the place in the Sauerland / Westphalia called Padberg. Today it is a part of the city of Marsberg.

A former (independent) city Padberg was founded AD 1263.

The earliest source about the Padberg name is a document from AD 1030. In this count Hahold von Pathberch is mentioned.

An ancestor of many Padbergs in the present time was Johann (Hans) Padberg. We assume, that his father was married morganaticaly, so that he lost the "von" in his name and to become his heir. Hans, born in 1501, married and settled in the village of Küstelberg. His descendants foundet in several generations many branches of Padbergs, which spread out in the cities and villages of the Sauerland. But also in the Netherlands, the USA und Canada we find cousins, who have the common ancestor Hans.

Detailed information about the Padberg emigrants, who went into the "New World" you will find at the homepage of Dr. Daniel Padberg. It's in English language - click here for the link.